Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Big Bold Red: Yellow Tail Redeems Itself

Took a chance when I bought this one.  Fortunately, it was purchased it when I made the terrible decision to get their Riesling.  Suffice to say it put a smile on my face and a stay of execution has been granted.  Yes Virginia, there is a decent Yellow Tail.

Big Bold Red.  Dark as the night in this photo. Smooth and evaporates in the mouth.  No after taste.  Perhaps a bit strong at 13.5% but acceptable despite tipping the balance but still a nice full body wine.  The alcohol does not dominate the flavor.

I started the bottle after work.  It was a cold bicycle ride home and I needed something to warm up with.  For the first time this day I felt good as it seemed to settle my heart and blood pressure.  It went well with our dinner of pork chops.

Alright you 'Rooheads, Big Bold Red has redeemed your country and your wine.

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