Saturday, August 24, 2013

Gewurztraminer--Sutter Home

Sutter Home is one of those wines that the grocery store stacks 9 cases in some random spot and cuts the top boxes open and places bottles outside with a sign that reads $4.99.  Their website claims that they invented the white zin.  As far as cheap table wine I have not been turned off.  I think there are better moscatos at that price point and I rarely pick up any of SH products.  Until the other day.

It was the name, Gewurztraminer, that caught my eye.  Being the cheap wine wino that I am I did not recognize the meaning of the name.  I assumed in correctly that gewurztraminer was funky German word for tasty white wine.  Wrongo boyo.  It is the name of the grape originating in Alsace (France).  Education. Considered as a "love it or hate it" grape it with aromas of rose petals, lychee fruit, grapefruit, peaches, smoked meat and Allspice it deceived me into thinking it was a sweet wine.  Wrong again, it is almost a dry wine and is thought to best be served with fatty foods and pork or exotic North African, Indian and Far Eastern dishes.  I drank it without food and after Mary took a sip, alone.

Deceptive.  It smells sweet.  Fruity aroma.  Taste buds await in anticipation.  Nice light golden hue. I waited a day and had it chilled.  At first it rolled sweetly over my tongue and then a dryness set in.  Sutter Home rates it as a medium sweet leaning toward dry.  Then the backlash of the other flavors arrives.  A somewhat nasty spiciness not unlike an extremely weak Jagermeister shot.  That must be the "hint" of Allspice. despite the light appearance it feels a bit heavy on the tongue.  I can even feel it go beyond the roof of my mouth into my nose.  Then again it is 13.0% alcohol.  The burn.

It's taken a week to kill this bottle.  But I do admit that I am enjoying the last glass now.  Must be my ghetto decanting method.  Pour one glass and put the bottle back in the fridge for a day or two.  I almost wish I had another bottle.

Sutter Home's Advert

Would I buy it again?  Maybe.  Another brand, yes, just to compare.  Maybe another SH and do a proper decanting and chilling.  But if I was in the mood for a sweet white I'd get a Riesling or a Pinot Grigio, better yet a beloved Moscato.  However, I do believe that the flavor elements and the inherent dryness of Gewurztraminer would make and excellent wine to pour into the water basin of my smoker.  This I definitely will do for Thanksgiving.

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