Saturday, August 12, 2017

Roscato Bianco Dolce Italian

Finally got back to my favorite store.  Would not feel right leaving it without making a purchase or two of vino.  Nothing was catching my eye until I saw the discount booze cart full of discontinued items.  Inside were two bottles that interested me.

From the moment it hit my tongue I was almost upset.  How could I have only picked up one bottle? That was two weeks ago and I am sure they are all gone.  Maybe I can find another place that sells this at full retail.  It was that good.  Sweet green apples and peaches dancing on my tongue.  Moscato-like.  Not overly sweet.  Not tart either.  No boozey aftertaste like a cheap Riesling.  Damn good.  I could drink a gallon of this and I would have if I had a gallon.

Roscato Bianco Dolce, I highly recommend it if you like a delicious sweet white.  "Round, lush and refreshing."  It clocks in at 8%.  Online it was going for $11 to $14 per bottle.  From northern Italy, produced and bottled in Trento, Italy, from a blend of Chardonnay and Moscato grapes light and sweet without the super teeth rotting sweetness.

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