Thursday, August 20, 2015


Micro second of pure rose joy and then godawful dry flat taste.  Yuck.  Was given to me.  Now I know why it remained unopened at the event.  But if you fancy dry whites, knock yourself out.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

The Mythical Tisdale White Zinfandel

Forever on the look out for a quality inexpensive wine I always smile when the "discount liquor" shopping cart appears at the store.  Here the booze manager fills with discontinued or slow selling wine beer and booze.  It was one at Fareway that I found a bottle of Tisdale's White Zinfandel.

Tisdale is a decent low cost wine.  When it appeared on the Des Moines market it was the $3 wine.  Quality was always fine.  Their Cab S was an Italian product.  No matter the variety, there was a cork.  Generic cork but a cork.  I've tried them all but soon went for $5+ wines.

So in the cheap booze cart was the White Zin.  All encompassingly delicious.  Most White Zins have that boozey taste.  Not this one.  Smooth, sweet but not grossly sweet.  Went down quick.  that was the problem, too fast.  I went back to Fareway but they were out.  And every other store in town did not carry it any more.  

Something like 10 months pass by.  If I remember correctly, I made the original purchase during winter.  So a new Fareway opened up in July.  Since it is on my way home from work i stopped in.  Walked through the door, sprinted past the Organic Section, checked out the meat counter and then perused the wine aisle.  Barefoot was $4.99 so I grab a Malbec.  And then check the White Zinfandel section.  Jesus Bingo Christ!!!  There it was!!!  $5 or so but not higher than $5.  Do to cargo limitations and cash flow I purchased only one.  Immediately fridge it when I got home.

Finally, cork is removed and glass filled.  A heavenly cascade or raspberry and strawberry flavor!  Mind you it is sweet but not teeth destroying sweet.  It goes down fast.  No need to worry, a mere 7% alcohol.  Just a jet higher than a quality craft beer.  That should have dropped the smile from my face, a tad bit higher than half the alcohol of most wines.  But flavor is what I crave.  Flavor and a bargain price.

Definitely on the list again for future purchases.  I've only seen it at the new Fareway and since that is no longer on my way home due to trail construction I will need to make a special trip.  If you enjoy a White Zinfandel, do yourself a favor and get a bottle.