Hard to pass this one up. the sale price caught my eye. $3.75! That is cheap! I have enjoyed other products form Fisheye but have not gone out of my way to repurchase them unless they have been on sale. Today I was after a Malbec but could not resist this "medium bodied" summer wine.
Fisheye is an Australian vino, one of many that flood the American market to satisify the needs of frugal consumers such as myself. More specifically, it is from South Eastern Australia. Learn more about them at Fisheye Wines
Rielings are considered a "summer" wine. Light and crisp, not too heavy. The grapes are a "noble" grape most noted for their sweetness in German wines although they are not always used for sweet wines. They are considered the opposite of Chardonnay, rarely aged in oak barrels, lighter in body. Rieslings are noted for a fruity aroma, "fresh picked apricots and floral wafting."
My experience. I have always found Rieslings a bit boozy tasting. Light, crisp, somewhat sweet but a definite alcohol taste and after taste. Something I always find with this. Sure, it smells nice. but once expelled through breath it would tell the tale of woe and convince everyone that you have been drinking heavily. It's the sort of alcohol prungancy that I fear would be my aura if I drank all night, slept two hours and then went to work and be quickly sent home.
Fisheye clocks in at 11.5% by volume. Comes with a screw top instead of a cork. No need to fook around. Chill and twist! I find it light and crisp with a dry after taste. not a thick heaviness found in truly sweet wines. It is going well with the black Bean & Mango Salsa pizza Mary just baked for me. The bottle says it pairs well with "shrimp pad thai, curry chicken and garlic naan." Rieslings are quite versatile with many foods. probably great for outdoor festivities when something light yet well balanced is needed. Falling somewhere between sweet and dry it is sure to please most but the rigid vinophiles.
Would I purchase it again....At $3.75 a bottle, probably. Once the sale ends it would be hard to choose given that I prefer other varieties and brands. But I just poured the last glass, empty bottle and I had a vision of a bicycle tour in the heat of the summer and a need for wine, cold wine.