Monday, February 3, 2014

Beringer Cabernet Sauvignon

I had ZERO expectations for this one.  Unknown Californian to me.  The name reminded me of a Two Buck Chuck that one would purchase several cases for his daughter's wedding.  "If you like this try our merlot."  I don't care for merlot.  But the price was right and I was on a mission to restock the red supply at home.  $3.99 at WalMart.  Wine does not get much cheaper than that.

The back label reads as follows: This carefully crafted wine has the aroma of vanilla and blackberry with a deep ruby color.  A medium-bodied, balanced wine layered with ripe fruit flavors.  It pairs well with a variety of meals or is great served on its own.

Vanilla in a cabernet?  Could not wait.  Undo the foil and there is a real cork.  No twist off.  Not just a cork but one of their own as opposed to a cheap generic.  I prefer my wine chilled and this one had been in the fridge for a few days.  This cuts down on the tanins.  First sip.  WOW!!  I could taste the vanilla!  Sorta reminded me of vanilla vodka.  As weird as it seemed it tasted great,  Unfortunately, that flavor was strongest during the first glass.  Subsequent glasses produced less and less of the flavor.  I briefly considered  adding vanilla to a cab in the future.  But even with the diminishing returns on the vanilla it is a pleasant wine to drink.  Will I try their merlot?  Doubt it.

Would I purchase another bottle?  Yes.  I want to experience the vanilla flavor again.  And the cost is right up my alley.